
Grow with Greeno

Elevate Living with Greeno Nature
at Your Doorstep

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Tailored Green Solutions

Greeno stands out for its commitment to providing tailored green solutions.

Innovative Techniques and Tools

At the forefront of the industry, Greeno leverages cutting-edge techniques in its projects.

Monthly Maintenance Services

Greeno understands that the key to long-lasting greenery is consistent care.

Client-Centric Approach

One of Greeno’s defining features is its client-centric approach.

Packages We Offer

Our core mission at Greeno is to deliver exceptional service and premium balcony planting products that stand the test of time.

50 to 100 SQ Feet

In this package we offer basic to premium packages. Rates starts from 4999 to 25000.

100 to 300 SQ Feet

In this package we offer basic to premium packages. Rates starts from 14999 to 50000.

300 to 450 SQ Feet

In this package we offer basic to premium packages. Rates starts from 29999 to 74999.

450 to 650 SQ Feet

In this package we offer basic to premium packages. Rates starts from 49999 to 150000.

Get Custom Package

Why Chose us

Why Choose Greeno?

Choose Greeno for an unparalleled blend of expertise, visionary leadership, tailored solutions, cutting-edge techniques, and a commitment to quality. Join us in the Greeno experience, where nature meets modern living, and together, we cultivate spaces that thrive with life and beauty.

Expertise in Green Living

Expertise in Green Living

Greeno stands out for its expertise in bringing nature into urban spaces. Our team comprises passionate Landscape Designers and Plant Experts committed to creating environments that seamlessly blend greenery with modern living.

Tailored Solutions

At Greeno, we understand that each space is unique. Our approach involves meticulous planning, considering your vision, climate factors, and available resources. We offer tailored solutions, ensuring a harmonious integration of nature into your surroundings.

Quality and Durability

Our core mission is to deliver outstanding service and premium products that stand the test of time. Quality is non-negotiable at Greeno, ensuring that your green spaces remain vibrant and beautiful for years to come.

How It Works?

At Greeno, we’ve streamlined our process to make transforming your space with greenery simple and seamless. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how it works.

Choose Your Package

Choose Your Package

Begin your journey with Greeno by choosing the package that best suits your needs. Whether you're looking for a comprehensive landscaping project, a monthly maintenance plan, or specific green installations, our packages are designed to cater to various preferences.


Our Representative Contacts You

Once you've selected your package, our dedicated representative will reach out to you promptly. Expect a friendly and informative discussion where we gather more details about your requirements, preferences, and any specific considerations you may have.


Visit to Customer's Place (If Needed)

Depending on the complexity and scale of your project, we may arrange a visit to your location. This step ensures that we have a firsthand understanding of the space, allowing us to provide more accurate recommendations tailored to your environment.


Final Package Proposal

Following the consultation or on-site visit, we will present you with a finalized package proposal. This proposal will outline the details of the services included, ensuring transparency in what to expect from your chosen package.


Price Completion

Following the consultation or on-site visit, we will present you with a finalized package proposal. This proposal will outline the details of the services included, ensuring transparency in what to expect from your chosen package.



With all details confirmed, our skilled team proceeds with the installation process. Whether it's landscaping, green walls, or other installations, we ensure a smooth and efficient implementation, paying close attention to quality and precision.

Our Projects

Project One

Project Two

Project Three

Greeno Reviews

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Tushar Shinde

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempus nisl vitae magna pulvinar laoreet.
